

The King & The Assassin 锤基同人 翻译成 王与鬼 吧

新人咸鱼 磕锤基cp 准备开个坑 ( ̄∇ ̄)

人物性格保持原样 不过在身份和世界观设定上会有所改动 不喜轻喷rua

其实很好懂的!想在写的同时锻炼自己的英文 我没有用花里胡哨的句式之类的哈哈 看完的都是恩人 图片是网上找的



有字词用法或者语句问题望指正 明天会发中文版

The King & Assassin

CHAPTER I The Coronation Day


“God bless my king!” “ Thor, your Majesty!”..


The masses were shouting and cheering . Asgard empireembraced his new day today, because the young king was in his enthronization.


“Look at him..” “ no wonder it’s Thor..”


The new king, followed by his well-dressed honor guard, was walking down on this endless aisle which passed through the street and leads to the splendid Asgardian Palace.

 The young king kept his solemn pace, hearing his name called by his people . Thor was quiet surprised that ,when the Coronation Day finally comes, he didn’t feel anything he used to imagine before , even happiness . His blue eyes were still frozen .


“ A king should never exposure his emotions.” He remembered what his mother Frigga said.

  “ Why, mommy..” The little prince asked.

  “Emotions are weaknesses…….” The former queen fondled his hair gently.

  “But mommy,” the prince interrupted, “ If a king is sad.. a king is human! Why.. he can not cry like others.. andcan not laugh  ”

  “I know , “ Frigga smiled in sorrow , “ because he is a king.”

  “ Than I don’t wanna be a king..” The little prince said..“ King is so ..pity”

  “Take it easy.. the king is the richest man in the world.” Frigga comforted him.

  Someday , my dear will undertake the countless precious , and the unimaginable poverty .

  But Frigga didn’t say that.” You will know, my son..”




Thor ‘s mind was absent . He didn’t know why these old memories seemed always disturb him in recent days .

Mom has gone long time ago.. since that happened. He said to himself. I’m on the fucking ceremony.. now it’s my time to know her word.. so sarcastic, didn’ it?


He finally came o the Asgadian Palace . The heavy golden door suddenly cut off the outside-crowded. 

Thor paced up forward the throne , stepping on the silence and isolation.

He sat down .After the Pope put the Iron Crown on his head , all his officials kneeled down and showed their loyalty to him.

“God bless the king!” The Pope said loudly.

‘ God bless the king!” The officials and the noblemen responded . The sound echoed in hollowness.

Thor overlooked at them from his throne.

 He seemed found a man was looking up to him while others were still head down.

The man.. with dark green eyes. 


